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How Herbal Infusions Improved My Immunity

Anyone who has read the Blackstone and Little Wings Series would notice that herbs show quite a bit as medicine. The reason for this as I am a practicing Medical Herbalist and have improved my own health and resistance tremendously through the regular intake of herbs. The following is what I wrote for my other website. If it helps anyone to try herbal infusions than I have done my job.

In March 2014 I decided to take a leap from Herbalist clinic work and set up a store with a dried herb dispensary, tinctures and a few other products. I found a cute store that used to be a cottage and off I went, without much thought of the building I was moving into.

That year I had x3 Head Colds, x1 Chest infection, a strange blister eczema that covered my arms and legs, the worse chilblains I have ever had, and I broke my toe.

These sicknesses, I believe, were caused by a combination of stress and the environment I was spending a large amount of time in. This cute wee cottage that I ran my business from was NOT insulated, it leaked when it rained, it was freezing cold most of the year, except in Summer where it was stinking hot, and it was sitting exposed in a tunnel of wind. And you know what Palmerston North wind is like.

So to warm my hands up, I would drink large amounts of Herbal Infusions. The chilblains I had this year were so bad, I struggled to bend my fingers. By 'large amount of Herbal Infusions' I mean I would drink 4 to 5 cups per day, approx 1 tablespoon of dried herb(s) per cup. When it was in the stinking hot seasons, I drank 2 to 3 cups per day.

In 2015, still in the same premises. Stress - the normal running of a business. I had x1 light head-cold that lasted 3 days.

Still drank loads of Herbal Infusions. When I feel like a cold is coming on, I would take liquid garlic acutely, but other than that I didn't take vitamin and mineral supplements, sometimes I had a glass of wheatgrass or barley grass powder, but that was sporadic. Chilblains = could be better.

2016. Colds = 0. Stress = through the roof. Moved shop in May. Moved house in July out of Palm Nth. New shop premises was warmer, but loads busier. My workload increased substantially, rarely getting a day off. Chilblains = 0.

Still drank loads of herbal Infusions.

2017, so far. Colds = 0. Stress = high. Chilblains = 0

Still drinking loads of Herbal Infusions.

A coincidence? Perhaps. There is no scientific evidence to say that the copious amounts of herbal constituents I was consuming was contributing to the improvement of my health, in particular my immunity. And moving out of an environment that was hazardous to one's health helps hugely. But before 2014, I would have 2 head colds per year, that would linger for a couple of weeks. So what changed? I'll let you decide that for yourself.

Out of interest here are a list of Herbs that I drink regularly, since March 2014, either as singles or in a combination. These are the herbs I back to over and over, not just for the flavour, but for the digestive and health benefits.

Herbs I prefer to drink singularly -

Thyme leaf.

Kawakawa leaf.

Manuka Leaf.

Nettle leaf.

Combinations -

Paudarco bark & Licorice root.

Peppermint leaf & Marshmallow root.

Sage & Rosemary leaf.

Rosehips & Ginger root.

Dandelion root & Dandelion leaf.

Raspberry Leaf & Rosehips.

Chamomile flowers & Peppermint leaf

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